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   Mubarak Hotel

Adam #2 HARAM VIEW (Not available)

Madina First - Economy Package

Only $XXXX Per Person in Quad:

         $XXXX Per Person in Triple:

         $XXXX Per Person in Double:

Round trip airfare: Canada/Saudi Arabia/Canada.
The trip starts from Madina.
Accommodation in Madina at Mubarak Hotel 150 meters from the Haram (3 minutes walk), 4 persons per room (4 – 7 ZH).
Accommodation in Makkah at Rebatt hotel 120 meters from the Haram (3 minutes walk), 4 persons per room, (8-18 ZH).
Accommodation at Mena in air-conditioned tents at the North America camp.
Accommodation at Arafat in tents at the North America camp.
All transportation will be in air-conditioned buses provided by Motawif.
How to perform hajj lessons and guidance.
Visits to historic sites in Madina.
Tentative CANADA departure December 23, 2006.
Tentative Saudi departure January 09, 2007.
Travel dates may vary by one day according to selected flights.
Hajj package does not include:
Hajj checks paid to the Unified Agent Office and Visa processing ($350 expected cost).

Cost of traveling from gateways other than Montreal/Toronto.

Cost of zabiha/sacrifice (about $140)

Any additional charges related to stopover to other destinations other than Saudi Arabia.

Tentative Daily Itinerary:



Islamic Date

Tentative Daily Itinerary


23 Dec

2 ZH

Take flight from Canada to Saudi Arabia.


24 Dec

3 ZH

 Arrive to Jeddah airport in the evening. Meet and assist is provided at the airport. Travel by air to Madinah.


25 Dec

4 ZH

Arrive to Madinah. Meet and assist at airport. Transport by bus to  Mubarak Hotel 150 m  from the Haram. Occupancy based on package purchased (Double, triple or quad). Daily breakfast and dinner open buffet.

Mon - Wed

25 -27 Dec

4 – 6  ZH

Enjoy 5 prayers at the Haram.  Historic site visit.






28 Dec


Prepare your luggage to travel to Makkah. Perform your Ihram at the Hotel and travel by bus to Makkah. Make sure to pack a handbag for your personnel needs during your stay at Mena.  Also make sure you have clothing to get out of Ihram on the 10th of ZulHajah.


29 Dec

8 ZH

Early morning you will arrive at Makkah Rebatt Hotel 150 m from The Haram,  perform your Umrah.  Noon you will be transported to your  air conditioned Mena camp North America. 


30 Dec

9 ZH

Travel by bus to Arafat, stay at North America camp.    After Maghrab you will be transported to Muzdalifah where you will also be collecting the pebbles for Jamarat.


31 Dec

10 ZH

Throw seven pebbles at Jamarat ALA’qabah.  Offer sacrifice and shave or shorten hair.  Return to Mena tents and change out of Ihram. Your accommodations continue at Mena. In the evening perform tawaf Alafadh at your leisure.


1 Jan

11 ZH

Throw seven pebbles at each of the three Jamarat. Your accommodations continue at the Mena camp . You can access to your room in makkah during your stay in Mena


2 Jan

12 ZH

Throw seven pebbles at each of the three Jamarat.  Your accommodations continue at the Mena camp . You can access to your room in makkah during your stay in Mena


3 Jan

13 ZH

Throw seven pebbles at each of the three Jamarat.  Travel to Makkah Rebatt Hotel 150 m from  The Haram.

Thur - Sun

4 – 7 Jan

14 – 17 ZH

Enjoy five prayers at the Haram. Enjoy your stay at Makkah Rebatt Hotel.


8 Jan

18 ZH

Perform Tawaf AlWadiah. Transport by bus to Jeddah airport for flight back to  Canada.

Departure from Canada: December 23, 2006

Departure from Jeddah: January 8/9, 2007.

Please, follow airline schedule if different than itinerary, particularly if you are making stopovers at other countries.

Hajj's Name:______________________

Hajj’s Signature:_____________________




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